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Celebrating 35 Years of Award Winning Sea Kayaking Adventures

Kayaking Trips

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Haida Gwaii Kayaking Tour Morning Approach to Burnaby Narrows Gwaii Haanas Park
Haida Gwaii Kayaking Trips
Italy sea kayaking tour group arrives in Vernnazza, Cinque Terre, Italy
Italy Kayaking Trips
Sea kayaking tour Croatia paddling to village house.
Croatia Kayaking and the Dalmatian Coast
Galapagos kayaking with blue footed boobies.
Galapagos Kayaking Adventure
National Geographic 50 Tours of a Lifetime - Winning Trip Kayaking tour of the Ecuadorian Amazon Yasuni National Park
Amazon Kayaking Trip
National Geographic Traveler 50 Tours of a Lifetime - Winning Trip Brazil Costa Verde Kayaking Tour in Saco de Mamangua
Brazil Sea Kayaking – The Costa Verde
Norway Kayaking Tour

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National Geographic Award

Best Outfitters on Earth - National Geographic

Tofino Expeditions was the highest rated sea kayaking adventure travel company in a National Geographic Adventure survey of international outfitters based on:

  • Quality of Service
  • Education
  • Sustainability
  • Spirit of Adventure